hair=grated carrot eyebrows=cucumber & cheese cubes eyes=cucumber nose=sugar snap peas ears=meet patties cheeks=bread with nuttlex beard=grated carrot and lettuce mouth=beetroot |
This meant that the boys didn't get home till dinner and Thalia and I didn't arrive home till around 5:40 to make a quick dinner to serve around 6ish.
So what do you make an allergic/intolerant child when you don't have much cooking time and still give them something good for their tummy.....
The quick meal in our house is beef patties, bread and salad.
Beef Pattie burgers or sandwiches for adults or older children.
We buy 100% beef patties from Aldi's frozen section, make our own bread and choose salad's that are appropriate for our munchkins allergy diet.
Last night I felt bad just tossing it on the plate, so decided that a funny face dinner was in order.
The munchkins loved it and it didn't take much time to arrange.
It just requires a bit of imagination and creativity.
I do confess my starting goal was to make a Santa face but with little time and a attention seeking toddler in the room it ended up just a funny face, the thought was there :P
What do you do to make your child's food more interesting and attractive to them?
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