Thursday, December 2, 2010

Healthy hearty edible pirates....yarrrr

 To mix things up in the kitchen sometimes you have to use a lot of creativity, it's a daily task thinking up new ideas to get a healthy happy meal for my munchkins.

So how do you spice things up to make food interesting when all spices are eliminated and you have to bounce around allergy hurdles.....well you make Crispbread pirate faces of course! :P

Every now and then I try to come up with a creative way to please my munchkins appetite for fun, food and interests all in one.

It is only "every now and then" so that it does stay special for them, because it can be time consuming and I would quickly run out of idea's if it was too regular!

 Yesterday I honed in on a subject of interest that my munchkins share, both are slightly obsessed with pirates at the moment. Thalia with the every ready outburst of "CAPTAIN FEATHER SWORD!!! YARRRRR" and Declan liking anything vastly pirate related.

So the task was set, I was to make a pirate lunch, wanting to make it both appealing , healthy and yummy I set off into the kitchen.
With the help of round crispbread's, mild cheese, raw green beans from the garden, carrot, snow pea's, celery,home prepared beetroot and nuttlex to stick it all together the pirates came to life.

My little munchkins soon transformed into pirate mode themselves and ate their morsels happily :)
It became a running commentary of "arrr mummy I ate his eye!" and so on :P


This kind of food prep is a great way to show fussy children their food in a different light, making it exciting to look at, more personalised and that healthy food can rock too :)

You can use all sorts of tools to make food prep for children interesting, cookie cutters can do wonders to a sandwich or veggie, combining foods to make a creature, using food to write your child's name or give them a message....the idea's are endless

Why not give it a try and see if it floats your pirates boat!

It's up to parent's in the early years of a child's life to choose foods for their child and teach good eating habit' lets all teach our children what food is and to associate healthy food with fun.

Of course there was a song to go with the occasion derived from a much loved mainly music song (5 fierce pirates):

 Two fierce pirates came to tea,
looking for treasure, as happy as can be
when along came Declan very hungry...
One pirate said "Shiver me timbers!!!"
and then slipped in Declan's mouth.
One fierce pirate remained at tea,
looking for treasure, as happy as can be
when along came Thalia very hungry...
One pirate said "Shiver me timbers!!!"
and cruched in Thalia's mouth.
All the fierce pirates gone away,
yummy in our tummy's
Yay yay yay!


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