Monday, May 31, 2010

planning to paint...what fairy fun!!!

My love of drawing, paint and exploring imagination has returned and I'm excited.

After constantly thinking over the past year "mmm I really have to get Thalia's paintings started!!!", it's actually happening..better late than never hey :P

To fill you in- For Declan's 1st Birthday I had schemed up, sketched,painted and hung a set of 3 paintings for his bedroom to the theme of knights, dragons and horses.

The top photo shows a close up of Declan's centre painting and the bottom photo of all 3 paintings together

I had planned to do the same for Thalia by her 1st birthday but it didn't happen :( along with being busy and probably a bit of laziness in there too.

I have been sketching for months now,going between themes of Princess and Fairy - at last I have my first sketch that I am happy with! horrah

I decided on a Fairy theme and this is the sketch for the centre painting of the three, it combines Thalia's love of books, fairy's, flowers and butterfly' for the canvas and paint!

will keep you posted.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A changing time- new challenges, goels,adventures and routines

Well I am in a very different place since my last blog..
not geographically but just about everything else.

Firstly an update on my big boy.
He is doing very well regarding TT (toilet training) and still has the odd accident here and there but overall he is doing just fine in his big boy undies 24/7 with a big long road trip to Newcastle chucked in there too. :)
He has taken the wiggles song 'how we gonna wake up Jeff' to new heights and his version now goes "how we gonna wake up...........(insert whichever person is pretending to be asleep..usually Declan), how we gonna wake up..........., clap your hands, stamp your feet, how we gonna wake up Declan..(and now for the big finish)...BIG TOILET!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then it follows with a big parade/run to the toilet where Decaln goes to the
gotta love how kids think.

Thalia is coming along in leaps and bounds, well apart from the whole lack of walking.
She continues to walk around the furniture and with help,but is too lazy to walk unaided but I'm fine with time it will come.
The last couple of weeks Thalia has popped words out left right and centre and is starting to put 2 and 3 word sentences together! can't shut her up :P bit like verbal diarea at times
She still continues her obsession with birds and cars, but now has a new love of shoes, stickers and the potty!!!!!
yes you read it right my 15 month old who is not yet walking has become obsessed with the potty and has become our Potty Princess.
From a young age she has tried to take off her nappy after doing # 2's and tells us "poo's" after she is finished to let us know to change it...but last week she went a step further and started saying "poo's" before she had even started pushing" so we acted quickly and started sitting her on the potty.
The result being she now loves the potty or toilet and asks to sit on the potty throughout the day for poo's and actually uses it. Today alone she got 5 stickers for using the potty ( 2 poo's and 3 wee's) and kept her nappy dry for most of the time she was awake and up.
Yes I am a little shocked and very stunned but I'm just going with it, it's nice having a child that is TT herself easily after dealing with Declan and all the drama's we had.
Thalia's even scaring Declan a little in the TTing's given him a bit of a kick up the bum to try to beat her, as with most males he doesn't want her to beat him at his own
So as far as I'm concerned it's good for me all round...less dirty nappy's, quickens up Declan and hopefully in time will make my day a whole lot easier regarding TT!!! yay

Another big change that has taken place is my folks have finally sold their house and moved up with us (two houses on our property). So we have been spending time helping them settle in, pretty up the place and show them the QLD way.
We have ventured more into the garden and started a veggie patch to start getting more self sufficient as well as giving the kids the experience of watch nature grow and be involved in the garden and it's produce.

The last two weeks we have been pretty much stuck at home as Thalia,then Declan got the dreaded conjunctivitis and colds so we have had a sticky, snotty time of late.
Ironically I still have breast milk despite not feeding Thalia since 11 1/2 months old so I didn't hesitate to squirt some in Thalia , Declan and my eyes to prevent the conjunctivitis spreading and doing it's cycle round and round (although Andy didn't want a bar of
Being house bound has been challenging with kids so I am very thankful for the nice weather we had to be able to get out and get dirty in the garden 'just like dirt girl' as Declan would say :)
It has also being great having Mum Dad here to be able to talk/interact/hang out with people other than the local Dr!!!!

oh I nearly forgot to tell you...I have finally started my Tafe course!!!!! cert 3 in child services and so far I am loving it. You know the feeling when you just can't put that book down and you have to sit there and read it to the end....well I thought I would never say it but that how I feel about a text book!!!!! i know very odd but i really do like it and if it wasn't for having a life, kids and a husband I would probably do just it cover to cover. mmmmm how sad!

Well I'm sure I've missed heaps of fill in's and updates but that just about does me for's getting late and my eye lids are waving so I better be off to bed....we have a big week ahead.

I have a few posts up my sleeve that will be coming soon to a computer near you :P so watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm back in action
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