The first smidgen of an extraordinary book by the one and only Dr. Seuss!!
The first smidgen of an extraordinary book by the one and only Dr. Seuss!!
At this point in time I would like to say something very important.... If you have never read a Dr Seuss book SHAME ON YOU! and if you have never heard of Dr Seuss I am afraid that you NEVER have lived. If you haven't, you should,these things are fun and fun is good :)
Only a Dr. Seuss fan would understand.
Only a Dr. Seuss fan would understand.
Lucky for my Dr. Seuss loving munchkins and I, we had the opportunity to share a very special Dr. Seuss experience with some friends.
Our local shopping centre put on a Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat concert for children in the school holidays for a week so we made it our priority to be there.
A few of our friends got together the week before in preparation for the big day.
One of the mother's (otherwise known now as 'Cat in the Hat hat making extraordinaire' :P) had a great idea of helping the kids make their very own Cat in the Hat hat's to wear to the concert.
Somehow,this said Mummy made up a template for the hats, how they would be put together after the kids had a chance to get to work at crafting their hats....the hat templates even had the stylish ability to have the extra special kink/bend that is seen in the
book itself !!
Somehow,this said Mummy made up a template for the hats, how they would be put together after the kids had a chance to get to work at crafting their hats....the hat templates even had the stylish ability to have the extra special kink/bend that is seen in the
book itself !!
There was much enjoyment as the children applied the gloopy glue, sparkles, feathers and squiggles to their very own hat templates..waiting for the master hatter to do her magic and put the pieces together for 5 very special little Dr
Seuss fans to wear (I hear she had a little help from a male friend mad Hatter !)
Seuss fans to wear (I hear she had a little help from a male friend mad Hatter !)
The day came and the children were very proud to dub themselves mini Cat in the Hats as they entered the much anticipated concert.
There were lots of owwww's ad ahhhh's as the munchkins saw the Cat in the Hat himself, we danced the Cat boogie, listened to the wonderful 'Green Eggs and Ham' being read and shared the Dr. Seuss love with all present.
At times things resembled a 3 year old mosh pit :P
After the concert we continued to push our prams of little Seuss fans through the shopping centre, each one parading their hat off with pride, all the way to the playground for "intermission".
After a short play and a quick trip to the loo's we were on our way....Meet and Greet with Cat in the Hat!!!!
Very special photo's were taken and some very tired children in need of a bite to eat before bed piled into cars for a McDonald's feast. Following a lot of Seuss talk, nibbling, munching, slurping and crunching the munchkins found some energy and couldn't resist a play in the McDonald's playground before departing.
A fantastic day had by all, I don't know who was more need of a nap...the mummy's or their babies but needless to say we enjoyed ourselves to the max -
the smiles, laughs, giggles, dancing feet, bopping, jumping, some tears, cuddles, kisses and meals between friends was all worth it!!!

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