It makes me feel sick just thinking about jabbing an epi-pen into my son but I hope that if and when it is needed I will be able to do it without hesitation and not even have to think.
Epi-pen's have used by dates and when they expire the usual routine is to hand it back to the chemist so that they can dispose properly of the sharps even if it has not been used.
So when we noticed that one of Declan's epi-pen's had expired we thought, if it's just going to be chucked out by chemist staff anyway why don't we practice on an orange or mandarin to see how hard you really have to push down on it, if we can feel the click when the needle is correctly inserted etc.
Tonight Andy tried the expired epi-pen on a orange, we were both very shocked and surprised to see the needle after coming back out of the orange...the whole whopping 2cm of needle!!!!! :O
Andy said that he felt the click and as you can probably see from the photo he was pushing quite hard into the orange.
I'm glad we did this little exercise,those little bit's of information might just make the difference. Thank goodness we have the technology and intelligence in this day and age to have such a life saver of a pen!
It also reminds me that we are still yet to buy a trainer epi-pen for family and friends to have a look at and practice with.
Here's hoping we never have to use one for real
Good idea shell. I'm going to try that when elijahs pen expires as I've wondered the same thing and if it'd be hard to push down. Poor little things with such a long needle! Mel x
I have had to use an Epipen on my son, and let me tell you, it is terrifying, but it does not need to be pushed down hard. If you take your trainer, and bounce it against your skin lightly, it pops out pretty easily. That is how a real one works when really administering it. Besides that, your anxiety will take over and you'll get the pen in. Just remember to hold it in for the 10 second count (which seems like FOREVER!)
Every year, I take our expired pens (we have 5 out of 6 people in our family that carry) and train the teachers, nurses, lunch staff, yard duty, etc., at our school on an orange. And every year, without fail, everyone trained has the same reaction you did; the length of the needle, the shock of the puncture, the sound, the feel, all leaves a lasting impression. I also force our family and sitters to practice every year. I believe that some of the fear of administering is conquered when they know what will happen when they inject the pen vs. when they have never seen or felt an Epipen being used.
My mantra is rather save a live than save a pen. A pen is replaceable. My child is not.
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