As the title suggests I have a very good excuse for not blogging for a little while, we have been busy planning a birthday bash and spending time with family, sorry to snob you all but really it's only a short time in the whole scheme of things :)
If it's any conciliation, I'm typing this while my much loved/most fave show is about to start (big 'HOUSE' fan) so I am using precious 'house' time on you guys :D ox
Needless to say this post won't be too long so I don't miss too much...LOL
Well I'll update you....Declan is going alot better with his potty training since we knuckled down a bit and although we have the odd accident he goes to the potty most of the time and sometimes without a fuss...yay finally!!!
My folks (the parents) arrived on Tuesday to spend a week and a half here with us :) so catching up and looking forward to their permanent move up, now that their house is on the market!!! it's all coming into place :D
Thalia's 1st birthday was Thursday just gone (4th Feb) and we held her Ladybug themed party at home yesterday and it was great :)
Here are a few pic of the recent goings on in the Offord house:
Thalia with her very first birthday present - a dolly named willow, has already become much loved and gets lots of 'duddles' ( translation is cuddles).
We are also celebrating the bit of hair length Thalia now has and have brought a few cute clips!
mummy's loving enjoying all the girly things :D
Thalia showing off her new Baltic amber teething necklace. I figure she is 1 and has no teeth whatsoever (:o i know) not that it stops her from eating anything...she will give anything a good suck, gnaw, chew.....the problem is she has been 'teething' since she was 5 months with nothing to show for it. The last week she has become more moody and often found sitting on mummy's lap with cold face cloth in mouth, gnawing on a frozen teething ring or just snapping at anyone and anything in her way!! I'm guessing she is going to be one of those babies who get a whole lot of teeth at once and any help a natural teething necklace will give us is very welcome :)
So hopefully happy teething days ahead and less drugs required.
all dressed up for her party and awaiting guests
such a daddy's girl!!!
The cake!!!! a lazy ladybird....we thought it very fitting for Thalia
they may be cute but they are a bit special...the female ones actually kill of the male ones after mating it is adorable though and we couldn't get past that
Mummy and daddy decorated it the night before the party with lots of serious lolly munching going on :D
the cupcakes!! bee's, dragon flys, butterflies, spider, caterpillars and baby ladybugs
the most time consuming of the lolly munching hours but worth it
Cake time at the party. Declan helped blow out the candles while Thalia just thought it would be cool to try and touch the flame!!! please one was hurt
the wonderful presents thanks to all Thalia's friends and family- she is very lucky to have you all
It wouldn't have been such a good party without you all :D
Declan and Thalia grooving on the new foam letter mat :) love this pic
pure joy!!
Hi Shell
Your children are so beautiful! I look forward to following your journey.
Love Kelly
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