There is always many a bargain to be found and I usually have the nack to do just that :)
Don't get me wrong I don't buy stained,thinning, faded clothes....and nor do I look at the underwear, nightwear and oh so wrong parts of the opp shop world...I only buy the good ones and in return save huge amounts of money in the process and come out with really awesome quality stuff. So good, especially when kids grow out of clothes so damn quick.
Note: always always wash before use!
I went to one opp shop yesterday with the kids and ventured out again today when Andy got home to go to another and I found some gems!!
Here are our treasures from yesterdays shopping trip-
not a very great photo 3/4 skirt for mummy ($5.00),green shirt with poka dots for mummy originally from crossroads ($5.00), Pink top for mummy with purple flowers originally from cotton on ($5.00), cute light green shirt for Thalia with embroidery ($3.00), brown shirt with car design for Declan ($4.00), Pink pants for Thalia with flower embroidery ($2.00), orange pumpkin patch pants for Thalia ($3.00), Pink and white floral summer dress for Thalia from Target ($3.00) and white pillow case with floral embroidery (50 cents).
Total of 9 items coming to $30.50!!!! mummy does a happy dance :)
My fave item would have to be Thalia's dress pictured below
Here is Thalia wearing it after washing it

Below is a close up of the embroidery on the 50 cent pillow case...I won't be using it as a pillow case but hope to make something out of it,not sure what yet.
Now for today's shopping bargains...
Found a lovely light green polo shirt with car design on front for Declan for $4.00, denim dress for Thalia with lady bugs for $3.50, another denim dress with flowers on it and frilly denim bits for $4.50 and a brand new (tag still on) blue shirt from the little miss shop retailed at $39.95 and I got it for $9.95..YAY
another great day coming out at a total of $35.45 :)
I think the quilt warrants it's own photo so here is a closer look
love it, love it, love it!!!....and don't be forgetting that as it's a quilt cover I have the underside of the quilt to play with too....arhhh my heads just bursting with ideas.
So you know you want to...go find your local opp shop and start hunting for your own gems and feel good about you purse and feel trendy at the same time :)
i love opp shopping too, you can find some amazing bargins, and clothes that have hardly been warn. Well done on your finds today, that quilt is amazing :)
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