Saturday, September 10, 2011

Something Fishy

Last month I started thinking about the munchkins age
and what a good experience it would be to have a pet.
I was thinking on a simple small scale
-a dog , cat or say chicken was out of the question
due to allergies and asthma, not to mention cost
but some fishes seemed like a good idea.

We wanted something fairly cheap so that
if or when we accidentally killed it if it sadly passed
we could replace it easily.

My parents didn't have a good run with a tank of simple goldfish
in my own childhood.
Many a fish made it's way down the loo or buried in the garden.
So the task at hand was to find something super doper strong, cheapish and easy to look after.
To google I went....
until I found THIS
Good old Burke's backyard had done a fact sheet
on Siamese fighting fish....

Things that stood out:
  fairly cheap!
Maintenance was low
Recommended for: anyone, those with little spare time or space
this animal is able to not only breath through its gills but also through a supplemental breathing structure - the 'labyrinth'. This structure is located in a chamber above the gills and is well supplied with blood vessels which absorb air gulped-in through the mouth. This enables the fish to survive in oxygen-poor, or even stagnant water.
eg. water dirtied, swirled around 'decorated' by the hand of a small
The ornamental fish are available in just about colour
temperate regions of Australia should not really require additional tank heating
lowering the cost
Although these fish are able to survive in poor quality water, regular water changes are still required. Change 1/3 of the water each week for a small bowl, 1/4 each month for an aquarium and the entire amount once weekly for a small container.
sounds easy
These fish can live in the smallest of tanks, and are often kept in decorative glass jars, small containers, or Betta barracks
We can go to a cheap shop and buy vases or jars of our choice
and don't have to find the space for a tank!!! :)
especially good animal for a first-time pet owner or someone with little time or space for a regular pet. Very low maintenance.
sounds like a plan!

After hubby and I had done our research and agreed that Siamese fighting fish sounded like a pet we were most likely able to keep alive and well, the deal was done.
The next morning we told the munchkins there would be a surprise
at the end of our shopping trip..
We had fun at the pet store looking at the fighting fish colours
Little Miss picked a reddish one (closest to pink she could find)
and Little man picked a blue.
A visit to Choice (cheap shop) found two vases for their homes
and rocks to add some colour and texture.
The fish themselves were $9 each,
their food was very cheap and
you simply buy special drops to add to tap water.

We had some very happy munchkins with their new fish
Lightning McQueen (red one) and Mr The King (blue).

I am happy to say that the fish we brought that day still live
quite safely in our home
and their is much excitement and volunteered help when
the fish need to be fed.
The munchkins love to watch their special pets
and often sing them to bed :)

Here are the happy munchkins with their pets
Declan and Mr the King

Cheeky Thalia and Lightning McQueen


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