Saturday, February 20, 2010

A week full of sickness,Party fun, cubby house's,new food and craftiness

well here I am typing from what has been of late the house of snot, sneezes and coughing......a week at home with a household of sickness isn't the best but we had a good go and making it a good one.

Andy as per usual had 'the dreaded cold' only for a 24 hr period unlike Declan and myself who have shared many snotty cuddles and nose blowing moments.Declan has become quite attached to "hanky"- he was given a couple of children's hankies from Great Grandma for Christmas and they have become like best friends this week, going to bed with Declan and being very loved.

Thalia as usual has been her usual moody self minus the sickness but in the last few days the nose has started to run and I fear she is cursed to share our despair :(

Declan and I are on the mend *touch wood* and although we have the odd cough or wipe of the nose we are hoping to get out and about more in this coming week!!!

To fill in our at home time Declan seemed to think it was a grand idea to spontaneously organise parties every say 3-4 times a really he found where mummy had stashed some party hats in the cupboard and decided he would take them out when he pleased and announced with great excitement "PARTY TIME!!!"
Yes it was party hats all round, not just for Declan but for every toy he deemed appropriate as well as Mummy, Daddy and Thalia :)
Then when it came to a time where he thought fit he suddenly announce "ALL DONE PARTY" and rush round collecting all the hats and packing them up....too cute.

here is a photo from one of the many parties Declan attended this week:

another activity we spent many hrs doing was cubby building.....a hard task when you are trying to build with a 1 yr old present who enjoys pulling the colourful bits apart and a 2 1/2 yr old who suddenly starts singing "there's a house with a floor, with a floor, with a floor....." (anyone familiar with this song would know that it ends in a crash....and "there's no house anymore" :s

We did end up making a house despite all this and the finished product was much loved complete with a door and all!!! which adds to Declan's new found skill of opening his bedroom door.

Our new food for the week was dragon fruit, from our own backyard it grew and we were eager to for ripening time to see what this fruit was all about.

It looks pretty awesome on the outside but on cutting it I was shocked, it almost looked fake...a white grey blob of jelly with black dotty seeds everywhere (pictured below)

it didn't look very appetising but we gave it a go....Daddy thought it was okay (somewhere between the taste of a kiwi fruit and figs), Mummy thought it was okay ( a tad bland needing to be eaten with other fruits), Thalia gobbled it up and had very strange poos the next day and Declan although very excited that it was something to do with dragons..smelt it, licked it tasted a nibble and discarded it.
I am yet to google dragon fruit and see what to do with them recipe wise etc.

The next thing on Mummy's agenda for the week was a spotlight shopping trip (always welcome :D) to get some materials for making Thalia's very own hair clip holder.
Thanks to Be a fun Mum for the inspiration, Amanda for reminding me when she posted Bianca's gorgeous clip holder on fb and Pretty things distract me for the beginnings of Thalia's hair clip collection :)

So here is the result to be either hung on the wall or displayed on her bookshelf in Thalia's room

The background is a floral material, covered in a weave of pretty pink ribbon on which the clips will be in a purple frame (even though it looks a bit blue in the pic)
and hot pink buttons for cuteness.
Yesterday we enjoyed a visit to Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma and Uncle Dave as well as the family dogs Jodie and Kayla. Thalia was thrilled with the dogs and loved playing pegs while Declan bounced with Grandpa on the little trampoline and terrorised Jodie (Dog) by chasing her, or should I say hunting her down wherever she went.....we were forever hearing "COME BACK JODIE!!!"...needless to say I think Jodie would have had a big fat sleep last night.
Jodie soaking up all the attention:

Grandma.Grandpa and the peg Lady

The peg footed Thalia :P

Grandpa and Declan having a bounce!
so that was our week! onwards we go to hopefully enjoy a week of happy healthy times *fingers crossed*


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