Monday, January 18, 2010

An Introduction to the shananagins that is the life of Shell

To start I need to bring you up to speed...Shell, married my fab Husband Andy in the Chilly Winter of 2004, became Mummy in to Declan in July of 2007 and Thalia in Feb of 2009.
I have joined the blogging world in order to keep a record for myself and my children to look back on as well as any welcome readers who want to have a peek :) I want to attempt to capture those special moments of my family life, the funny tales and things my little ones say as well as the hard times, the learning curves may be a roller coaster of a ride but it's sure to be a interesting one!

If you were to ask me my occupation, I would answer..
"I'm a research Associate in the field of Child development and Human Relations"
-to explain a little I have a continuing program of research, (what mother doesn't) in a laboratory and in the field (indoors and out).
I'm working with Masters, and already have 2 credits (a son and daughter).
Of course the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities,(any Mother care to disagree?).
I often work 14 hr days (sometimes more),the job is more challenging than most run of the mill careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.
My lab assistants- ages 2 1/2 yrs and 11 months are both in the child development program and very unpredictable at times but I love them to bits.
Motherhood!!! - What a glorious career.

I think it is only fair that I give you a word of warning: My family and children are my world and life,I'm sure they will take the lime light in my blog...if you don't like it, don't read it.Simple really

My day to day life include imaginary dragons, screaming, laughter, toilet training, the wiggles, baking, smelly little parcels, feeding frenzy's, washing, Thomas the tank engine, finger painting, Bobbie feeds, gardening, kiddy art, tantrums, gentle cuddles, fun filled baths, lullaby's, in the night garden, mountains of books, cloth nappies, play dates, demands, teaching, Bear in the big blue house, having conversations with random toys... the list goes on one of my faves being naps!! The good comes with the bad, but the good always outweighs the bad in the end.
If your reading this and thinking 'kids, not for me!'- do it, do it, do it, I promise you won't regret it- your whole perspective on everything changes, you learn so much and the experiences you will have are so incredible that words can't describe.

My plan so far for 2010 are as follows:
start my cert 3 in child services course through Tafe (distance education), volunteer at a child care centre (or paid work if they want me), swimming lessons for the two munchkins, start a blog (check :P), plant a veggie garden and keep my current garden alive (lol...still learning my role in the dirt), become more active with the QCSN (Queensland Christadelphian Support Network), plan a small child free holiday for hubby and I, keep attending mothers groups, mmm it's too late to about I just fill you in as it happens :D it's a start though and I guess that's what counts.

So that's the plan!!! I will endeavour to find time in my crazy world to keep this blog somewhat updated on a regular basis and I look forward to sharing my experiences.
love to you all and hope you all have a happy and fruitful 2010



kayeelizabeth said...

I always said you should take up writing to go with that exceptionally artistic talent you were blessed with!! Well I enjoyed reading your blog, what a natural-born mother you are. So refreshing to hear a mother call her motherhood a career, for that's how it should be termed. I always have appreciated the fact that my Mum was always there for me, through thick and thin and God Willing both your children will appreciate all your efforts Shell. And keep learning new things. It's what makes us and our lives all the more interesting. Look forward to more, and I wish you and your lovely family a wonderful 2010 full of surprises!! Love & hugs, K

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