The munchkins and I had a fabulous time making lots of different bird crafts for Miss 2's Bird birthday party.
So I thought it would be nice to share these crafts with you and the "how to do's" along with them.
These crafts are cheap and easy to make..... don't be afraid to have a try.
Hopefully someone else can have the fun we had while making some of these crafts.
Proud Peacock paper plate craft
For a simple bird craft or a crafty peek into India's animals (The peacock is native to India) all you need is:
*dinner size paper plate
*pens, markers, pencils or crayons
*paint fingerprints or stickers for peacock feather spots (we used stickers)
*peacock feathers (we googled 'peacock feather' into images and printed out some paper feathers to cut out and stick on)
*blue paper for body
Allow children to decorate plate, draw lines with blue, green and purple shades of markers, the lines should all cross in the center of the plate. Have the children dip their index finger into a selected color of paint (we used colourful stickers) and make fingerprints here and there on the plate.
Let children apply glue and glitter and your choice of feather (real feathers, paper feathers found of Google etc) and put aside to dry.
While the plate is drying draw a ten pin bowling shape out of blue paper for the body. A beak can be either drawn on or cut out of paper as well as eyes. To finish glue all you bits together !
This birdie tree was a project that came together over the space of a couple of days.
First of all we made the adorable paper doves over at DLTK's craft for kid's.
They are easy to make and a fun craft using the technique of tracing the child's hand. All the doves body parts except for the hand print wings are found on the above link with instructions, simply print cut and paste. :) my munchkins enjoyed colouring on their birds too.
Stage two of our tree was involved Mummy drawing a branch shape on brown cardboard for cutting.
If you need some inspiration simply look outside into nature, do a sketch at the park or look up tree pictures on the Internet. I used roughly 3 lengths of big cardboard sheets to make this tree branch.
Make sure you leave enough space on the branch for the dove(s) to sit.
The third stage of our tree was a printing craft.
We got creative with paint and made some roses and leaves for the tree.
The rose print was made but cutting off the end of a celery bunch (something we almost always have in the fridge), it makes the perfect flower/rose print.....add pink paint a ta daaaa!
We also cut out a leaf shape from a common potato and with green paint made leaves for the tree.
This was a opportunity to get messy and learn to mix paints and make colours (yellow and blue make green, red and white make pink).
The forth stage to our tree was yet another hand print craft, since the munchkins enjoyed tracing hands so much. This time we used two shades of green cardboard for tracing our hands to make hand print leaves.
We spoke about the different sizes of our hands and how big our hands have grown and how our body grows bigger as we get older.
The last stage of our tree was gluing, stapling and blue tacking all the bits and pieces together to make a perfect home for our doves.
This tree made a great wall art feature for Thalia's bird party and is still on our wall today for the children to of these days Mummy will take all the bit down and put away what we can reuse and keep.
Bird tree table decoration
This table decoration is attractive, cheap and fun to make!
- The birthday girl and I went for a few walks in the park together to find some nice tree twigs and small branches to assemble together for the perfect tree.
- Once the tree twigs and branches were selected, they were painted white and when dry were put together in a vase from the cupboard.
- To decorate our tree we already has picked up some sweet little glitter birdie clips (decorations found with all the Christmas ones from a cheap shop).
For our tree to be just right for the party it needed a little something else and then we found what we needed to do.
Kelly at Be a fun Mum posted how to make a hanging Christmas peace dove decoration, so we simply changed our paper colours and patterns to suit the party colours and we had some lovely doves ready to hang on our tree :)
Tissue paper pom pom flowers
Okay, so these are not birds but birds like flowers don't they? :)
and they were simply too cute and girly not to make.
Thankfully I was able to find a very helpful and easy instructions to follow to make these.....while the kids were in bed. I wanted these hanging flowers to be a surprise for he birthday girl on her party day.
Here is the link for Martha Stewart's tissue paper pom poms that I used. They look stunning, easy to make and quite inexpensive.
My little man still has a blue one hanging in his room :P
Birdie's and their nests
Birds nests can be made from all sorts of things and what better decoration for a bird party than a bird and it's nest!
Pictured are two nests we put together for decorations using twigs from the park, bright feather amongst the twigs, leaves and topped off with bird ornaments found and brought at cheap stores for under $5 each. We choose mummy's ornamental bird cage and a big wooden bowl to put our nests in.
Thalia's bird themed Paper bunting
Paper bunting are easy to make and can be made to suit any theme, we laminated our paper flags so that they could be kept as a keepsake and a room decoration for Thalia.
Each triangle was cut out so as to fit inside a A4 size laminater sheet.
The photo is not very clear but each triangle is a different patterned pink scrap booking paper, we then stuck white paper doily's in the centre of each one. Paper doily's can be found very cheaply at shops such as crazy Clark's, reject shop, Sam's warehouse and so on.
We cut out pink letters to spell Thalia's name and found pictures of blue birds to stick on each flag on the letter.
To finish it of the flags were individually laminated, 2 holes were punched in the top of each one and pink ribbon was used to attach them all together to hang.
Bird feeder
We found this nifty fun design here, the munchkins enjoyed making it with me and the birds love it too.
It was also a way to attempt to lure and invite birds to the bird party :)
Loot bags
These we so inexpensive compared to the ones you buy and I think homemade is almost always nicer and more environmentally friendly!
I purchased the pink and blue paper bags (pink for girls, blue for boys) and glued on white paper doily's to the centre of each bag. The munchkins helped me to choose a birdie sticker from our sticker stash to suit each special little friend to stick on the doily. Then the names were written in pink or blue pen next to their personalised birdie :)
Paper plate owls
We made these paper plate owls with some friends after finding the project on the Internet.
You can find the instructions here, we added the lovely button eyes, scrapbook paper collage and feathers to make it such a hoot ;)
I hope you have enjoyed looking at our bird crafts, maybe you can put some time aside to share some bird craft love with your child :)
I was just wondering if the bird fabric at the very top is something you actually had or if it was just a picture you found? I ask because if you found it I would love to know where, it would be prefect for something I have in mind...thanks!
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