Our family was privileged enough to share a wonderful day together at Australia Zoo not so long ago in August.Okay I hear you, it might of been a while ago but better to blog later than never...and trust me it's well worth a blog post.
It was the first time both Declan and Thalia have got to experience the Zoo....although there are many times that I'm sure we live in the Zoo in the very walls of our own home :P
We spent most of the day and somehow managed to take a peep at most of the animals, Declan simply loved everything about the Tigers and Thalia was more taken with the Elephants (go figure, I just think she might eat as much as one!).
I brought along 'safe' food that I had packed earlier for snacks/morning tea during the day but thankfully we were able to buy 'safe' lunch.
I rang the Zoo the day before to see what we would be able to eat if anything on the menu's, they rang back later that day with a list of foods, one of them being hot chips...yay.
I knew Declan and Thalia would enjoy a treat of hot chips so my mind was at ease and off we went without Mummy having to pack all the lunches..phew
It came to lunch time at the Zoo and we headed towards the food court, I proudly told Declan he would be able to have safe chippies for lunch. We got in line and as I reached the serving station I let the lady know Declan's allergies to nuts and eggs before I ordered just to double check.
The staff member let me know that the chips wouldn't be safe after all, even though the chips themselves didn't contain eggs and/or nuts they would be fried with other things that were not safe, hence making the unsafe :(
A very upset Mummy who had a excited toddler looking forward to his chippies was not happy! I let the staff member know that I had phoned and been told that the chips would be safe - after waiting a fair while and having staff members having quiet 'chats' about the situation I was greeted by the lady who I spoke on the phone to.
She was very nice and apologised and showed me a list that she had worked out would be safe for Declan, so it ends up that the kids had Cheese pizza and sausage rolls for lunch.....thankfully the kids we still chuffed and Declan understood when I explained that the chippies were not safe for him.
Definitely an experience to make sure I really do my research and double check before eating out.
We all had such an enjoyable day and because we went in August we got a free pass for the rest of the year due to a special they had on at that time.
So we are now looking forward to more trips to the zoo, looking at the things we didn't quite get to see, visiting the animals we loved and exploring all the different aspects that make the Zoo experience!!! :D
Here are some of my favorite pic's from the day:
Declan showing Mummy how he is just like a Tiger !! ROAR
King of the Croc's
Declan lapping up his time with the snakes....following in Mummy's footsteps :)
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