My early morning routine of flicking on face book while having a much needed coffee was very inspiring on this particular day... as I sifted through my news feed and peeped at my friends updated album's I saw an activity so simple, creative, delightful, fun, inviting, educational and a bonus of being on the very cheap side of play tools for children.
It was then that I decided to go to the shops to pay that bill that I had been staring at for over a week, just for the fact that a visit to the art/craft shop nearby the post office would be very convenient :)
My friend Vanessa had posted some photo's of her son (20 months) playing beautifully with some homemade play food
So simple and full of good points: .
- interesting textures for little hands to feel and explore .
- a choice of colour's to aid in visual appeal and colour recognition .
- enables you to shape your own food using a creative and/or imaginative outlook .
- You can size your felt foods accordingly, to make the foods safe for the child's needs - making it age appropriate .
- an introduction to the cooking world and food prep in the kitchen
. - object recognition through different foods represented.
I'd like to take this opportunity to let you know just how creative my friend Vanessa actually is...and invite you to take part in her crafts and crafts from others, all lovingly made to go to an awesome cause.
Go check out the face book page she created a few weeks back here :
After Vanessa visiting Pakistan herself last year it's feels close to home and she can imagine how the scenario has affected many people.
The lack of attention that the media if giving the Pakistan floods simply made Vanessa feel that no one cares and/or knows about the devastation of these floods.
So Vanessa is doing all she can from her home in Australia to tell those she can and gather support for those who need it.
It began with a few Pakistani handcrafted shawls and is growing thanks to friends who are donating crafts of their own to be sold for the cause. Further contributions are needed, as this is a cause that will be ongoing.
The face book page above also shares photo's, links, video's, news articles and facts in relation to the Pakistan floods.
Simply go have a peek for yourself and see the fabulous crafts that are on offer!
If you would rather make a donation directly to the cause then you can do so through Paiman Alumni Trust at this
All money raised through this page with go to Paiman Alumni Trust to be used for flood relief.
Or simply contact Vanessa through the Craft for Funds Pakistan flood relief face book page if you have any of your own crafts to donate for the cause :)
The face book page even made it to Vanessa's local
newspaper to share the love-
Before life as a Yummy Mummy Vanessa was a childcare worker hence her wonderful idea's for play spaces/ toys. This theme also flows into her crafts that are available from the face book page- soft sensory hand made baby rattles, kitted baby/infant toddler clothing, custom baby mobiles and I'm sure there is much more to come in the near future so it's worth the look!
lastly please take a minute out of your day to thank God for the things that you have and think about those in Pakistan who are in dire need as you read this.
thank you ox