excited, scared, proud, nervous, happy- all the emotions I seem to be feeling at the moment :O

note to self: give Andy the camera more and get out from behind the lense, not many mummy photo's :(
how? why?
My little boy is becoming a BIG boy! he has been going so well with his tt (toilet training) in the last few weeks (during the day) that we have decided to ditch nappies for good, so tonight for the first time he went to bed in his very own big boy undies and we said goodbye to the change table mat.
fingers and toes crossed that it doesn't take too long until we have a dry night :S
He was simply getting confused with undies and nappies and needs something consistent to get the message through. After a long haul of "training" I'm hoping this is the key that makes him click.
It really reinforces how much my tiny baby has grown and I've found myself reflecting back to moments we have shared together over the past 2yrs 8 months.
So hears to a new journey and another milestone challenge! wish us luck
I'll leave you with some photo moments of mummy and her boy
1 day old
YAY! That's wonderful! I found toilet training for the first time really scary. I'm now toilet training my fourth (and last) child. What is life going to be without nappies. lol
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