Simple little treasures.....and no
I'm not talking about my children, although
Declan and Thalia are my 'little treasures' I assure you that they are in no way SIMPLE!!
When I say Simple little treasures I am
referring to the simple things that make us happy, smile, explore, understand, learn, laugh, create, imagine and much much more.
They can be the most simple items that becomes special,not just for the initial joy of having it and what it does, but for what it becomes.
The memories, adventures, dreams, games, sentimental value, comfort and moments we have over time with our treasures is what makes them so precious.
This post is dedicated to some of the Simple little treasures that are close to my
children's hearts.
Firstly both my children own their own very special sleep buddy, from birth
Declan and Thalia have slept with a selected stuffed toy that acts as a comforter for them at night no matter where they sleep (home, friends houses, nan and pops etc).
Declan and Thalia didn't have a dummy/pacifier for any long period of time, we got rid of
Decaln's without a fuss around 3-5 months and Thalia only had one sometimes in the first 12 or so weeks.....and to tell you the truth I really hate
dummy's unless you REALLY need it.
Declan pictured below with "MONKEY" is one of
his most loved
possessions and usually when
he gets a new toy/book monkey always gets a special introduction :)
Monkey was kindly given to
Declan as a birth present from the
Gibson's and mummy and daddy liked it so much it soon became the sleep buddy.

While I was pregnant with the Thalia and knowing I was having a girl this time, I was on the mission to find the perfect sleep buddy. After seeing one of my friends little girls special toys I knew I wanted one and after asking my friend where she got it from, she volunteered to buy another for my baby :) I was a very happy mummy
absolutely loves her 'MISS CAT' and every night after we put her to bed you can hear her quiet little voice singing the bedtime song to miss cat and saying goodnight :P
Most mornings she says goodbye to miss cat on her way out of the room to go get cute!

the pic below shows one of our wooden house clocks ( given to us as a wedding present) and
Declan and Thalia's relatively new wooden watches. My mum picked them up from a educational toy shop for a whole $4 each!!! Thalia quite a few months ago showed an interest in clocks and has become quite obsessed so they were the perfect gift.
Declan and Thalia love their special watches and wear them with pride, showing them to everyone whether they want to see or not. The hands on the watches only move when the wearer
manually moves them so I'm hoping they will become a good learning tool when it comes to learning to tell the time.

This next picture shows some items Andy and I picked up on our "wicked weekend for 2" (wedding anniversary weekend) a week ago.
The pillow case dress in the pic was a $5 bargain at the Coolangatta Wintersun Festival markets.
Due to our family's love of old cars and vintage it was the prefect piece for Thalia to parade around in. I'm not sure if you can see in the pic but it has pictures of old classic cars, gasoline pumps, route 66 signs etc on the it!!!
We gave it to Thalia when we got home and it was love at first sight with the verbal long repetition of "!!" that followed.
I made sure I remembered to collect a bag full of pine cones for the kids when we were staying at Mount Tamborine as I have always loved them. I remember studying them in my hands as a child and being fascinated. They are a wonderful example of natures beautiful creations but are good for craft projects, sensory development, learning about nature, shapes, an interesting item to paint with and the list goes on.
So far the kids are amazed with them and have examined them in their little hands, looking at the different shapes, if they are open or closed, talking about how they come from trees but I can see that having these
pine cones will lead to craft idea's,
pine cone painting and much more.

here's a pic of
Declan having a closer look at a
pine cone :)

A little less than a couple of months ago on a visit to a second hand store I spotted these two wooden crafted cars at $2 each!! it's not every day you see toy like these so I was quick to pick them up and add them to the shopping which the kids were simply thrilled with.
They have become very special cars to add to the ever growing car collection.

These three books were my bargain books from a second hand store just this week and have become the flavour of the week.
Both my children seem to have inherited my love of books and love leafing through books... some of the faves are Dr Seuss books, Each Peach Pear Plumb, ten little fingers and ten little toes, Animalia, Time for Bed, The very Hungary Caterpillar, Kisses for Daddy, Mr Little's noisy car .........

The last 2 pics show a collection of things that the children have kindly been given by my lovely Finnish friend Erna.
Over time we have received little parcels in the mail all the way from Finland, sometimes even from Santa :P
In the pic there is a lovely moomin's cd with a 3d flap in the cd holder that initially introduced Declan to the wonderful world of the moomins (children's cartoon in Finland), also pictured is a Finnish moomin's dvd (and no it doesn't have English subtitles but we enjoy it all the same), a gorgeous moomin's pillow case (baby/doll size) and this week we received the two large pink and blue moomin's pillow cases at the front of the pic.
Now and again we receive lovely post cards from Erna with the most magical pictures of Finland's country side/ culture on the front- in the pic you can see 3 lovely postcards of berries, mushrooms and flowers all found in Finland. The kids love looking at the 'special pictures' and talk about where they come from and what they are, these 3 postcards are currently on our fridge.
The last item in the picture is a lovely red and yellow striped long sleeve all in one which was given to Thalia last year, although it is still too big I can't wait till she fits in it as it's so cute with the Finnish words PIKKO SISKO (little sister) on the front.
The kids love their special things from Finland and both get so excited when Declan asks for the moomin's, whether it be the dvd or cd. Thank you so much Erna for opening their eyes to another culture and sharing the love!!!
Declan had no hesitation when I asked the to sit for a photo with all their special Finnish things, although
Declan couldn't let go of his much loved
duplo :P
As you can see they are very thrilled will all their gifts :)

I could go on forever about different things and their sentimental value for my children but I will stop here and say that it's mostly the simple things that mean the most and what a joy they are!
I once saw an Indian child on my travels who was ecstatic when he received a metal teaspoon for makes you think and feel blessed for all those simple things we have.
Things are just things until people make them alive :)
You might find yourself asking yourself what simple little treasures you or your family have.