Trucks- big, noisy and you can put things in them...all that a little boy could want and Declan does exactly that!
We were very excited when Uncle Darren (my big bro) rang on Monday and let us know he was at Yatla Truck stop with Josh (my nephew) for a few hrs and could was keen for a catch up.
Mummy got all excited - quickly packed the lunches, nappies, drinks, dressed the munchkins and got all sorted to get in the car and see all the big trucks!! Declan was so excited all the way in the car repeating "Uncle Darren BIIIIGGGG TRUCK!!" all the way there.
It was all excitement until the car stopped and Darren himself opened Declan's car door to say hi..."Ahhhhhhh" (with added tears and trying to pull away) say the least Declan was not impressed while Thalia starts waving and yabbering away.
We calmed down a bit and went off to see the Big truck...Declan was so shy,tired,hungry, hot that the last thing he wanted to do was sit in a truck let alone Uncle Darren's truck..:( so he just cried and made mummy feel sorry for poor Uncle Darren who was looking forward to a "happy little boy"....Thalia was quick to fill in and jump up in the Big truck with Uncle Darren and pose for a few pics.
After some lunch, a play on the playground and a lot of crying and fussing Declan finally had some smiles and laughs and had a second look at the truck, although he didn't want to hop in he was happy to watch the lights,look at the red engine and receive a awesome Mustang matchbox car from Uncle Darren.
Well that was the bee's knees then...on the way home it didn't leave his little hand, he showed it the passing cars on the road, the shy, the hot sun and finally our house. He was not going down for his nap without his Mustang!! even to the point of saying "Mummy Mustang tired, needs bed" (then in a little voice made the Mustang snore as it swayed up and down in his cute!!)
Of course by this time Declan himself was so overtired and flopped into bed (car in hand) and slept soundly side by side.
You see Declan is one of those children who scream his lungs out when he sees Santa, but after it's all over and Santa is out of sight he becomes the highlight of the week...very odd but that's children for you....that afternoon he proudly told Daddy how he saw Uncle Darren's truck as if it was the best experience ever while mummy sighed quietly thinking if only!
We had a fun filled Oz day at the Newcombe's (Wayne and Louise's) with friends...bush bashing, drinking, good food, children playing, swimming in the pool and all that was promised...the heat wasn't so good but alot of fun was had.
I was just a little shocked when my husband came up from the car track (a big paddock with alot of trees!!) looking like he had just come out of an explosion zone....he was unharmed but covered and I mean covered in black and brown delightful!! :s but like any man all he could talk about was how he managed to get the car to do a 180/ big skid/lots of smoke know the lingo :P
Of course I forgot my camera so don't have any photo's to show for a good Australia day but thanks to all those you made it a memorable one.....great to see all the munchkins playing
Warning : the following content may speak of bodily fluids and/or waste of the toddler kind :P
Read on if you can take it.
Today after a talk to Daddy it was decided that we are going to knuckle down with the toilet training...Declan has been potty sitting since roughly September/October now and although he is good at telling us before a #2 and usually getting it in the potty or big toilet he is not so good when it comes to wees!!
He is in Big boy undies during the day unless we go out shopping, friends houses etc and nappies for naps and through the night. He know exactly what is expected of him and understands that it is wrong to wee on the floor but still has alot of accidents and wet undies, telling us after the fact what has happened instead of letting us know he needs the potty.
We are exhausted emotionally, sick of cleaning up the mess and annoyed that everything we try isn't helping....stuck in a rut. Mummy today with the help of lots of cuppa's and a calmed mind started to focus on helping Declan "get it"...I am proud to say that we had two wees in the potty today, no wet undies, no accidents. He did wake up with a poo in his nappy but that's okay.
I think he was holding in wees a bit but it's a start hey.
I just know I'm going to be insane before long if this goes on for too much times I think Thalia might be tt before him!! lol well I will see what tomorrow brings.
Stay calm, stay positive and have's harder than it sounds.
Any tips from the parents out there would be welcomed !!!!
wish us luck!!